Friday, December 20, 2013

Big Time College Football: Implementation of the NCAA Pro-League

Now that I have gone over the different aspects of my proposed NCAA Pro-League, when can it be implemented?

Well; it will be a while. ESPN has a contract with the NCAA worth bi$$ions to televise college playoffs from 2014-2025 so most likely nothing will change until 2025. In 2025 the following will have to happen:
- The NCAA will have to give up their football and basketball monopoly;
- A new portion of the NCAA, the NCAA Pro-League would take up the professional responsibilities;
- 32 plus colleges and universities will have to drastically change how they operate football on their campuses;
- 32 plus new NCAA Pro-League football teams will have to be formed with admin staff and the like;
- New media agreements will have to be made;
- Lots of contracts will be signed;
- The NFL would have to be 100% on-board.

So do we really have to wait for the 2026 season for this to be implemented? Yes unless the government gets involved. I would highly recommend the NCAA and the top I-A teams get together and form the NCAA Pro-League, or something equivalent, because if they don’t and the government legislates change then all bets are off on what the end result will be.

But at the end of day, will anything actually change? I fear not. For some reason it seems that colleges and universities will continue to get away with paying college players a few $housand$ while the NCAA, the programs, and the important people in-charge will continue to get paid mi$$ions.

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