Saturday, January 25, 2014

One Year of anonymousbjorn

anonymousbjorn is one year old! Over this past year a lot has changed; my son has gotten older, I moved into a new position at work, and I have consistently contributed to my higher education blog. 2013 was a good year.

The most important event of 2013 is my son slowly getting older. In 2013 he went from being a little baby to a babbling, walking toddler. The changes have been amazing and I would never trade them for anything. As I tell my team at work when talking about work-life balance:
- I only figured out that my purpose in life was to be a dad after I became a dad.
- Family is number one; work supports family; and while at work, enjoy yourself as much as you can.

The next event of 2013 was my new position at work. All I can say is that I have never been more challenged and stressed at work, but I am lucky enough to work with an amazing team that is always striving to do the best job possible and be successful in everything they do.  

And finally I have consistently contributed to anonymousbjorn. My original goal was to post two posts/articles per month and I posted 41 in a year; not bad. The goals of my blog were the following:
- Practice my writing and become more proficient at churning out articles;
- Develop a style that is academic yet accessible (I no longer want to publish in academic journals);
- Stay up-to-date on higher education issues all around the country (not just Arizona).

One year later I feel my writing style has improved but there is always room for improvement. I am always practicing how to write informative, brief articles (under 1000 words), that get to the point, state clearly the facts, and do not leave anyone confused or perplexed by the end.

But I must always remember that matter how old you are, how many degrees you have, or how much money you have; I am always a work in progress.

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